As an author, I am always creating. As I finish one book, another is developing in my mind. I always have a WIP.
Stay tuned for my next novel which is under construction!!!
November 2023
In this book, sold where all books are sold on online and on Audible, you will meet Kelly Smith, a mother of three. Once an abusive wife, then an abuse survivor, walk the path of healing from abuse from her mother, her ex and herself. Following her journey she will give you insight to real time manipulation and WHY someone stays in a toxic abusive relationship and then how she successfully got out. Below you will find radio interviews and also book reviews.
In her sophomore book, Kelly continues her journey of healing from a toxic abusive relationship. In the follow up from Signs in the Rearview Mirror, Out of the Darkness, shows you how Kelly healed, step by step, while dating unhealthy.
Find out how she not only healed from her toxic relationship, but finds love again after traveling down all the roads. In order to find Cruz Herrington III, first she had to find herself...
Now available on Amazon and my book store!
In the city of Boston, four friends set out on a journey to find love and happiness, but what they discover along the way is so much more than they could have ever imagined.
As they navigate the ups and downs of dating, working, finding and losing love in the city, they learn valuable lessons about themselves and the people around them. In The Wedding, join these close friends as they chase their dreams and discover the true meaning of happiness and personal growth, in the bustling city of Boston… But only one finds herself standing at the alter with the love of her life…
The Wedding is a must read for anyone seeking a heartwarming story about finding oneself amidst the chaos of life.
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